7 Facts About Me
- • Born in Provo, UT and traveling the world ever since. So far I’ve experienced 33 different countries, following in the footsteps of my madre, the Escapeseeker.
- • I have been blessed with a big family and many life-long friendships. Currently, my wife Jessica and our daughter Dorothy Seven are enjoying life in Provo, UT.>
- • While a Freshman at BYU, I started a company, Scan, with 2 of my classmates, Kirk Ouimet and Ben Turley. Since then, we have grown Scan to over 40 million users all around the world and our small but brilliant team has grown to 8!
- • I do quite a bit of public speaking. Not so much on purpose. It just kind of happened. But I'm glad it did. I really love the opportunities it has brought into my life to meet new people and see new places. Recently, I have spoken at SXSW, Morocco, Luxembourg, Philippines and even Tahiti. Usually my presentations are about design, entrepreneurship, or just good solid life motivation :)
- • I have an unhealthy obsession over my health. Happy to try just about anything helpful and strong enough to abstain from all things harmful. Proudly carbonation free since 12 yrs old.
- • I "suffer" from narcolepsy. That bad news is I often randomly fall asleep. The good news, my body goes instantly into a deep sleep allowing me to get a full nights rest in 4 hours that takes most people 8.
- • Soccer has has always been a big part of my life. From little league, to Utah Valley Rangers, Lone Peak High School, to now BYU. I'm a true winger.